had In a distributed to all Oestrich-Winkel household survey returns procedure and a parallel on the Internet carried out online survey, Oestrich-Winkel SPD since Christmas all citizens asked for their views on various subjects.
Among other things asked in the survey to place the notch construction, the traffic situation, the municipal budget management, a participatory budgeting and the family and leisure activities in the city. "The SPD wanted to hear the views of citizens and not decide on their heads," explains the SPD chairman Carsten Sinß the suggestion and shows due to the unexpected from slipping back into the top 468 replies surprised and delighted positive. Certainly, the survey was not considered representative, but they, given the high number of participants to some trends. The SPD wants to Oestrich-Winkel, these results, therefore, as announced in its political work to be included.
had specifically asked the SPD Oestrich-Winkel citizens including notch place after the planned development, a question which was answered by most respondents, namely 468. 60 percent of respondents want a "big Solution with a full-line skeptical, while in favor of another issue around 66 percent, a smaller version without the integrated bakery and butcher store. "This shows a split screen, but with a clear negative trend against the planned full-range, which confirms our suggestion for a small notch in the solution space," said Sinß.
That is, most of the respondents, namely around 88 percent, agreed that the station area currently does not provide a beautiful sight and restoration is needed and must be reformed in wonder, not loud Sinß. Here, the SPD share in the coming years a focus of their political work, we finally had in the past, especially in the station question has always been a pioneer. call cause
While about three-quarters (74 percent) of survey participants, the current financial situation of the city Oestrich-Winkel as concern can about 70% think to be using a participatory budget or similar elements more closely involved in the budgetary affairs. "The SPD had made since last year in the past, despite opposition in the City Council on this issue and is committed to continue it," promises Sinß.
shows in transport issues reflected in the SPD survey the divided opinion of Oestrich-Winkel population. Although support about half of the respondents to implement a small road between Central and Oestrich home, a good third of these declines but also from and 15 percent are undecided. The examination of a rotation angle between the one way system and Central home has almost as many supporters (47 percent) and opponents (45 percent). "This confirms our suggestion that these issues continue to remain on the agenda and outcome examined.
It confirms that we also creating such fundamental issues of the future to address future impossible without adequate participation of citizens, "adds the SPD chairman Sinß. was pleasing to welcome that about two-thirds of survey participants, the leisure activities for families, seniors and youth in Oestrich-Winkel. "This quality we would like to receive and expand gradually," said the SPD chairman concluded.
Detailed results of the survey can be found on the website of the SPD Oestrch angle ( www.spd-Oestrich-winkel.de ).
messages: [Oestrich-Winkel] Oestrich-Winkel survey: SPD asks citizens
Documents: Poll Results
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