Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Can A Person Die From Aspiration

fancy-a guide for thickness yarns

appears in the spin group there to demand the Effektgarnspinnen.
I would share my experience on a yet to be scheduled appointment.
preliminary exercises are important and possible. So who's interested:

Effektgarnspinnen includes:





You have to muster courage , to spend time with experimentation , not knowing whether created at the end of yarn with which you can do something.
It enables new ways: To you

to your actions

to wool to Rad

formed a different view on everything.

you seem to lose control and yet you get them ...
... when you take it for you!

The ability
between D ick and d above sea spiders to change,
is a prerequisite for yarn.
This technology gives rise to twisting, spiral, Kreuzgarn, coils / earthworms and slub.
Dicker essential for you to spin a yarn twisting

are long fibers, does not go smoothly. With a roving You have indeed a beautiful fiber length, but the thread slips through his fingers.
A well on the Trommelkarde combed fleece can also be easily divided into pieces and put on to a sliver.
For these fibers formed the fibrous triangle.
This triangle is essential to the strength of thread.
The HOW of undressing affects the quality of the yarn with respect to its thickness / thinness.

Importantly, the rotation of the wheel. Thick yarns require less spin and more take. Set is therefore the single-thread spool drag the wheel Do you have a two-fold, you have to try because I have no experience.
neglect the uniformity of the thread that comes with the exercise by itself!

Get behind the wheel and spin it like you usually do. Now note the amount of fiber that you donate the yarn. Gradually increase the amount and pay attention to the changing moments put the brakes fixed alters the river, would be a little slower pedaling.
you can let the thread slip through your fingers and feel the texture, it may be that after twisting makes it softer again.
Have you found a rhythm, do not be surprised that he is quickly lost.
Thick yarn requires rapid adjustment of the feeder. You have to do far more with the technology of your wheel as the thin yarn.
Do not be discouraged if the thread breaks often.
It takes time and may sample many meters of thread ...
applies also for spinning:

look at things from a different angle,
than you previously saw it, for that is to start a new life
. Marc Aurel

(discovered and copied by Bernstein's magic mesh)

Did I forget something, it must necessarily something in the manual? For suggestions pleased with
LG Sabine


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