Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Brent Corrigans Movie X Free

TV program from Thursday, 16 February 1984

So that was it exactly 27 years on TV ... but still was by 0.38 clock, my birth date, the telly still black :-) (Source: here snapped )

morning program of ARD and ZDF

(now only be received on ZDF)

10:00 today
10:03 b / w Blessed Lemke's widow
11:40 I Playmate of the Month
Don Xavier was 12:25 - that should be our pastor?
12:55 Press Review
13:00 Tagesschau
13:15 teletext
(until 13:30 clock)

ARD consortium of broadcasters in Germany

08:50 Winter Olympic Games: Sarajevo today
08:55 nordic skiing
09:25 Speed Skating
11:50 Skiing
15:40 teletext for all
16:00 Tagesschau
16:10 For example: Michael Werner
16:55 Olympic Winter Games

18:30 WWF program

18:30 country programs

18:30 butene and within

18:30 Evening News

18:30 news from Hesse
19:00 ARD-Olympia-Studio, a summary of the day
20:00 Tagesschau
20:15 The 7th Sense
20:18 The English disease, backgrounds of cooking oil poisoning
21:00 Olympic Winter Games
23:00 Tagesthemen
23:30 Fleur Lafontaine
01:25 Tagesschau
01:30 closedown

British Broadcasting Corporation
15:40 teletext for all
15:57 Program services
16:00 today
16:04 religions, 5 parts series
16:34 today headlines
16:35 cuddly bear, 13 parts puppet series
17:00 Heue / From countries
17:15 Tele-Illustrierte, a guest Nicolas de Angelis
17:50 flea market, 21teilige series
18:15 today headlines
man 18:20, hold their breath, 20teilige English series with David Jason
18:45 Werbefernsehen
18:57 Program services
! 19:00 Today
19:30 Günter Pfitzmann: Never Again
20:30 The incredible show
21:00 today from research and technology
22:05 5 after 10
23:35 (approx) today
23.40 (approx.) closedown


08:00 gymnastics
08:10 School TV
09:25 The Mouse TV
(up 09:55 clock)
10:40 School TV
(until 13:00 clock)
17:00 School TV 18:00
Tele College, Physics, Electricity and Magnetism (46)
18.30 Mouse TV (repeat)
19:00 topical
20:00 Tagesschau
20:15 b / w The Glass Key
21:35 Coming soon ... Interview with Yilmaz Güney relating to "fear of life" on 18/02/1984 at 22:30 clock
22:15 Robert Ashley: Perfect Lives
23:00 Cinema '84, film magazine
23:45 Last news

08:45 Aerobics - Fitness with reason (6), The heart has to vigorously pump
09:00 School TV
16:30 School TV
18.00 The Mouse TV
18:30 Chess for everyone, train to train to the tower Diploma (6)
18:45 film as a hobby (6)
19:15 Engini, fire dancers on the Gazelle Peninsula in New Guinea
20:00 Tagesschau
20:15 Rock Around
21:27 short messages
21:45 Culture Currently: Film
22:15 Guests from Poland: The group "VOX"
Last 22:45 news

08:20 School TV
17:25 School TV
18.00 The Mouse TV
18:30 Tele College, Physics (46) Electrical circuit
19.00 Regional programs
19:25 news
19:30 The Devil with
21:00 between escape and responsibility (1)
21:45 for Baden-Württemberg: Ravensburger Moritz Heater
22:00 ... and suddenly in politics
22:45 sidelight
21:45 Rhineland-Palatinate: The General Assembly
22:30 parliament currently
23:00 closedown
21:45 for the Saarland: TV-Club Saar 3
22:30 closedown

Hess 3
08:05 School TV
17:30 Christianity in everyday life (5)
18.00 The Mouse TV
18:30 It came from outer space (4)
18:55 The adventures of the mouse on Mars
19:00 The Master Thief
20:30 Culture - present in Hesse
21:20 The picture of the week: "Female Portrait" by Bartholomew da Venezia
21:30 Three currently
21:45 Focus Abroad: The fiery cross of Texas, refugees in the United States
22:30 Janosik, hero of the mountains (7)
23:15 closedown

17:27 win at the start
17:30 lion hunt, RTL-hit parade with Viktor Worms
18:25 7 Regional
18:45 Typical RTL (1)
18:53 6:53 - News Show
19:15 typical RTL (2)
19:20 The Adventures of the Chevalier de Recci (5)
19:56 typical RTL (3)
20:30 From Django - shows with the best recommendations
22:10 News and Weather
22:20 horoscope
22:25 Betthupferl
22:30 closedown


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