Thursday, February 10, 2011

Flu Symptoms And Lump In Throat Hard To Swallow

press release for textile market

"Bad Meinberg spins" - In 2011

second Bad Meinberger textile market and spin-together in the historical park of 09-10. July

Bad Meinberg xx.0x.11

From 09-10. July rotates in Bad Meinberg historical Kurpark and the Congress Centre (almost) all about textile crafts. From all over Germany craftsmen and artists come to the 2nd Bad Meinberger textile market in order to present their skills and products. Against the beautiful backdrop of the historic park are sheep breeds, working techniques and devices will be shown, dyed, felted, spun, and "geflachst. In workshops for spinning, dyeing, bobbin lace and needle binding adults and children can try out old crafts and be inspired - a market not only to see, buy, and talk shop, but also hands-on approach. The market is organized jointly by the spa and the external stones repair shop for crafts and education.

In lectures, storytelling and tours will be shown what great importance the manufacture of textiles once had and can have today - so "embroidering women and girls in Afghanistan" as in the cross-cultural art project that weaves the textile market, "Bad Meinberg is presented. Afghan women to design and stitch patterns that integrate local artists in their textile objects. The resulting object reflects community the diversity of living conditions, while the interaction of two cultures - and gives women in Laghmani, Afghanistan, and recognition.

the shown on the market handicrafts spinning takes as primitive of all textile activities have a special place, as the basis of any textile is the thread that must be spun. So special all spinners and weavers are welcome to come with their wheels and spindles for textile market in order together "pick up the thread and let history come alive.
Ensure the physical well-cooking and bakery artist with coffee, cake, Pickert and many other goodies.

In lip, people were once dependent on to dispute with textile craft a living, even in 1800 included spinning and weaving to the everyday work of more than 70% of the population. With industrialization and globalization even more radical by the manual manufacture of yarns and fabrics has disappeared almost completely from our lives. Only fairy tales, songs, names and see the bigger picture of life on other worlds still remember the vanished species in Central Europe. The market is therefore not only the present craftsmanship, but also provides an insight into social and cultural history.

What: Textile Market & Spin meeting

When: 9 - 10 July

Where: Bad Meinberg, in the historic park and spa and conference center (cure center)

Contact: Ulrich Loth, Wolfgang Diekmann


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