Thursday, February 24, 2011

Anniversary Speech For Company By A Trainer

Wiefelspütz week

Today in the section "Wiefelspütz of the week" (Via Members Watch ):

question on Interior and Justice, 12/03/2008

Dear Dr.Wiefelspütz,
I am concerned primarily about the absolute BKleingG. One to two percent of the so-called small gardens of Priv. Owners
zwangsverpachtet.Der rest is provided by the Public sector.
Given the broad changes SGB mEmit etc., it is not the GG to agree that the owners of such land as the right of disposition made so heavily wird.Auf the one hand, the owner must live with a pension of 750Euro on the other side take the tenant to wellness, holiday, etc..
It remains a matter before the output is more than doubtful. I have three lawyers would have to speak again verschlissen.Ich ca.5000Euro take in hand to complain § 14 GG.Pustekuchen!
How are private landlords to my proposal to exempt these same 2 percent of the claimed areas of this law?

response from Dr. Dieter Wiefelspütz

Dear Sir,
the best of intentions, I do not understand your question. How can a private owner zwangsverpachten a property? We live in a free country.
go Sincerely
Dr. Dieter Wiefelspütz


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