travelogue special - Elvis Elvis hint, hint from my own blog in the history department links below: "1960 Elvis Presley ends 2-year hitch in U.S. Army." Well then, let's go!
Elvis about yourself / a friend on Elvis:
My opinion: Elvis Aaron Presley, in short, Elvis and The King (of Rock 'n' Roll) - were in the last 55 years there is hardly anyone who has escaped this man and his music. In my situation is of course no different. As a child I was sonicated with his songs, the first song I taught myself on my keyboard itself, was "Love me tender
. Although he really large parts of his oeuvre not really fit into my taste in music, Elvis is probably the artist of whom I have the most CDs - and yes, I hear them too. He had a great voice and most of the songs are wonderful to sing along.
Memphis was even on my "must see" list, even before I made present to me that there is Graceland, Elvis had lived in this city. When the guide still Tupelo, MS, the birthplace of Elvis, but which in manageable distance, was also based on the list because I wanted to use the opportunity to explore the myth, as far as possible. I was at the very end of bivalent impression that I understood some things, but now carry around a lot more questions with me, as I had originally really. Although it should in itself be a simple story: poor boy from the country, blessed with the voice and charisma that comes in big city, is discovered, plays music and movies is growing at a the biggest sex symbols and an absolute superstar approached before he tragically died much too young. But this sober summary of the whole is not fair ...
The first time on my trip I met Elvis already in Washington DC, where in the Portrait Gallery held an exhibition of photographs that showed the artist at the tender age of 21. He was not unattractive, although his sex appeal stemmed from its more secure way than his actually rather average looks. He seemed a little taken aback that he was so adored that women ran after him, he hardly had a quiet minute and, although he only made music. I think this was so the point where I started had to make me think about the people Elvis Presley, not only about the unattainable figure who has sung so many songs.
met again I am the fictional character then Elvis in Nashville, the Country Music Hall of Fame. It says one of his Cadillacs with luxurious furnishings. Even then I thought "Wow, that happens when people have more money than they can spend," but it was only a very inadequate preparation on what would happen in Graceland.
Elvis golden piano has reinforced the sense of pomp and decadence. Also in Nashville is behind glass, together with a of his stage suits and other small items. Back home, I have found in my research that Elvis is present in less than five Music Halls of Fame, more than any other musicians - including rock and roll, gospel, blues and rockabilly have immortalized him. Although Elvis himself has never written music, but picked only from the submitted material has, what he wanted to sing, although it seems clear that he could read music, he has got an awful far.
began my visit to Graceland a bit sobering. The Elvis Presley Boulevard, the road that leads there is a kind of four-lane highway, one of those arterial roads, I have met in the Americas, strung together where hotels, motels, drugstore chains, fast food restaurants and gas stations. Here the King lived? When you turn onto the large parking lot the next disappointment: Parking costs real money. It should still come thick: A ticket for the house and a few coming on-site exhibition halls to 34 $ (25 €). As you can see in this waiting area and how else has opened up to me, the whole is very well organized, but truly a money printing machine, an impression which has been in the many gift shops more than just hardens. I like buying souvenirs, but for shirts to $ 60 or coolies by 8 $ is my willingness low - this is ripoff.
While I was waiting for the bus, the one brought by road from the house (see gate in the background), I have admired the many "instruments" of lights, and the standing around on the lawn. For once, I have regrets that due to the time difference (Memphis has an hour different from the East Coast) was dark so late that I would have liked to see illuminated. In a very efficient way, I was a little later equipped with an audio guide and squashed in a bus. Whether the moves now, so no one cuts off on the walk into the vegetables, or because you can not expect paying guests to cross a street and overcome a few meters, will remain a mystery to me ...
The main house, before the bus stopped now works not very pompous. With the columns, it has a little bit of southern architecture, but it now looks not as great as you look at the house of a mega-star introduces. Well, what can I say "Do not judge a house by it's exterior - the interior looked like then very different.
Yes, so soon after mid-November you should be able to decorate for Christmas. And it could have been cheesy. Really! In all this, what I have seen Graceland, goes by the absolutely discreet. At least stand hochzurülpsen because not every corner is a man whose job it was in 15-second rhythms facts, but the pleasant voice of the narrator in the audio guide has done that. I'm also ready to go to the people who came with me, a bit out of the way so I do not always someone traipsing in my pictures.
The dining room of the Kings. Like everything in the house it is still as Elvis left it. Apparently he has the tags and Neudekorierungen always worked and leave the house always look the way he wanted it, although he was probably only rarely at home, when one looks at his tour schedule.
to visit is for the normal paying guest only the ground floor, on the grounds that Elvis himself would receive his guests and friends always there and the first floor was always off limits. Actually, I think so, that there is there behind the curtain just cabbage and beets, but I wanted to risk a sudden termination of my visit, as I hochflitze because the stairs;)
The one bedroom, into which one can take a look , is the one that Elvis has his parents on the ground floor. He apparently had a very close, good relationship with them and at some point they have moved to Graceland.
The kitchen with all the trimmings from the 70s. Note as on the living room picture above the TV. The operator of Graceland seem to put value on everything somehow looks even halfway revived, not as museum-like. Who knows, maybe they have given up hope yet, but that he comes back one day;)
Current TV here seem to be originals from the 70s. The audio guide explained that in the TV room Elvis has often pursued three different news programs, he should have been a news junkie. It was several years, was invented by CNN ... has
a bit of a shock to me the billiard-room missed. The fabric on walls and the ceiling is just horrible. But you can taste it now nunmal not, and we must not forget - those were the 70s ...
Even the Jungle Room, which is entered on leaving the cellar first, thus getting used to. If you have money in abundance, then it is probably really hard to not let them take astray. So completely was general Graceland with each step a little unreal, and I would have someone to illustrate the concept of decadence, I'd probably take him there.
again in the fresh air is conducted of visitors to various outbuildings. On the site is a lot - a swimming pool and a children's playground were to be expected so, the shooting range and so many others probably not. Here you see the office from which the company manages and markets is Elvis was. For me it is in stark contrast to all the pomp in the other rooms. The paintings are by the way fan work.
In one of the building a kind of little Elvis museum is housed. Among other things, it contains a part of the gold records and awards he has received for his work.
In the next room some of the stations are illuminated his life, including of course the only short-lasting marriage to Priscilla.
The Army-time he had spent a good part in Germany was of course a mention.
What I did not know until then, but this fits with Elvis as I now perceive is the fact that he has donated a good portion of his money. He has supported many projects, some of which are listed on these plaques. Some display cases are filled with canceled checks, each over $ 1,000 in favor of a charitable organization - and that was in those days a lot more money than today. Somehow, this discovery was just pushed back a bit, the appearance had moved from Graceland to the skewed light.
Although he has not considered at the time of his death, Elvis was actually pretty athletic - would be different stage of life probably was not endure. When he Raquetball (? If I remember correctly) had discovered for himself, he can build a special building for it. Besides the actual hall (see below), there was also a recreation area and other facilities.
The margin is now not only part of his awards and gold records also many costumes and accessories. Visits to other exhibitions in the reception center on the other side of the road are showing them a lot more, and if one assumes that all together with the things that need to be in museums around the world, is still only a part of Elvis' wardrobe, then one can estimate, how much money have taken the man to his tailor to be ...
What I was not aware and rather surprised me was the fact that Elvis, his parents, his grandmother and his stillborn twin brother are buried at Graceland. Since there have been attempts to steal the corpse of Elvis, who was originally buried beside his mother on a regular cemetery, Elvis' father Vernon obtained permission to exhume his wife and his sons, and bury at Graceland again. The many gifts and flowers on the graves of fans.
This panel (left) explains why, why, why - the text on the right shows what can come of it. I confess I was glad and thankful that no one has noticed there where I come from ...
Back on the other side of Elvis Presley Boulevard I have looked at the various exhibitions. I started - very suitable for me - with the car exhibit. No idea if the various cars at the time of Elvis's death were all still in his possession, or whether under and were to be repurchased, but there is a considerable number of old cars and things that are not all that he had ... The showroom was packed very nice, the car has staged, shown pictures of Elvis with this particular vehicle. For me as Autoenthusiastin course that was a very appropriate place.
also want to visit the Lisa Marie and Hound Dog II, two of Elvis' airplanes. Which were actually sold to Florida, but were bought back by the company and now on display here just now. The Hound Dog is a nice small, colorful thing equipped. Lisa Marie has several housing areas such as the above, offers beds and a Bad - elusive. Yes, was the first private jet that I've ever seen from the inside;)
A short excerpt from his wardrobe, accompanied by films that have friends and his ex-wife commented about how Elvis is dressed in as he has bought and how it was with his tailor - grad stage things were obviously not off the shelf. Apparently the man had met a weakness for bling bling and extravagances, even once a president (do not ask me what I've forgotten) in one of his costume with cape and sunglasses. Wealth can do anything ...
it all got so modest, so started so poorly. When Elvis 1935 Tupelo, Mississippi, was born on the wrong side of the railway line, was still battered the south by the economic crisis. His father had subsequently during Elvis' childhood years in prison for tax fraud, the family lost the house.
That little house, consisting of two shabby rooms with shared bath or even running water, which was built by Vernon Presley borrowed $ 180 in the early 30s and was in the Elvis with his stillborn twin in the world. His birth was not a happy event but more of a disaster - hard to imagine with the knowledge we have today. His mother was subsequently very happy Find out what became of her son, and this is partly attributed to the fact that Elvis was just a lone twin, and thus had noticed some properties of the double. was
When Elvis 13, the family and all their furniture dispensable possessions sold, to afford the fuel for the trip to Memphis can. Memphis, the great city where Elvis, who was long inspired people of music, has only a few years later found his opportunity and used. This statue shows Elvis at the age of 13, with the guitar, which he at 11 Birthday has been given instead of the bicycle, which he had wanted.
awoke a passion for Elvis music in the church. As a child he was fascinated by the choir singing, and later he was allowed to sing along, sometimes as a soloist. The church, made in the Elvis his first musical experience and has now found on the site of the Elvis Birthplace Park stands was in the 90s bought by the operators spent on a low loader at this point and then restored after pictures. Meanwhile, it was a house, now she is a tourist attraction. The whole facility here was originally made possible by Elvis, who had played a total of two concerts in his native town, and at a dispense of it on his salary is under the condition that the money bought a site near his birthplace and will be made into a memorial for him. The birthplace was then also acquired, transferred, and thanks to information from Vernon Presley halfway to its original state. But today wallpaper sticks to the walls where once was newspaper ...
is much less blatant and commercially available as Graceland is because his birth, but tried not less. There is a way of life, the milestones of Elvis' first 13 years, has in the small town, a living fountain, a wall with quotes, the house, the church and a museum. And the attached gift shop is much less cluttered than his 10 counterparts at Graceland, of much less overpriced apart. All in all, perhaps the more appropriate place to go to the people Elvis Presley on the ground than Graceland itself.
As you can see, I have learned a lot, am smarter at some facts, but I still miss so much. After all, I have discovered for me a reason why it probably is "alive Elvis" is all this hysteria. "Elvis Lives" is an anagram in English (ok, is also one of evils, but that's another story * gg *). More but I think that people have entertainers like Elvis does not just want to die, at least not in their minds and hearts. He's like no other the music world changed made "black" music socially acceptable.
And he must have suffered terribly under his fame was already a long time before his death severely drug-addicted, had various diseases. In retrospect it seems a miracle that he has ever lived so long and ever so long been able to stand on the stage. In the last months of his life, he should have taken daily 40-50 painkillers - such things can not endure the body over time. And I am of the opinion that his death was a great loss for his fans, but had to be myself been a salvation for him. The modest, shy boy from rural Mississippi was indeed somehow grown into the bustle, but done well it has not well. Even if he still stands for fascination and musical enjoyment. Thank you, Elvis!
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